
Computer geeks... what else is there to say?
Megaman's an idiot... in the strip... so's Bass...
Diablos the chicken... I think...
A lot like Love Hina, if you know what that is...
A joke on all Super Nintendo RPGs... somehow...
My bro's page of drawings, art, you know... stuff.
Jokes on Final Fantasy, the original...
Chim chim's web page/comic...
Never mess with dragons... you're crunchy and taste good with ketchup...
Um... a joke on the Gamer lifestyle...
::bows in homage to Carson Fire::
Schmuck the kneerubber: Hilarious idea... dragging around an unconscious goblin...
Nintendo Classics: Hilarious movies based off the older Nintendo games... Turtles, Pac-man, Kirby, Duck Hunt...
RPG cliches: Fritz Fraundorf used to have a list like this... it was hilarious... so's this one, by the way...

Anime Web Turnpike
I have plans for my own link... button, person... thingie... it'll show soon. (Go there if you didn't understand the Love Hina reference earlier...)