Character profiles

Name: Ashinoke

Age (as of Pearl's story): 2000

Gender: male

All I wanted to say is I'm looking for some way to help Rei... oddly, I can do nothing...

Name: Eiris Rowe

Age: unimportant

Gender: Um, prove it?

What? I've done my part... if you need to complain... talk to the lizard... ::looks around:: And since he's not here... we aren't taking complaints yet...

Name: Domino

Age: unrecorded

Gender: Hmm... in Shade form, male, in Dark elf, female

I'm a damned Shifter! I'll be whatever I please... now sit down before you hurt yourself.

Name: Meep

Age: dead

Gender: who cares?

::goes digging in his hole:: Let's see... Excalibur... Camelot... Xena's chakram... tricorder... hmmm... a button... Button? ::presses the button without thinking::

Name: Liliara Alys

Age: Uhm... about 1000? By Pearl's time...

Gender: Nature

I'm an orphan... I was adopted by the guardians under San's control... I became a guardian as well...

Name: Reiana Morgan Silvenrune D'gern (I go by Rei)

Age: I... I don't know... I'm in... Evil-Stasis, with Lily...

Gender: Female

Do I have to say something?