Early 2001
B.D.: Before Darkness
6/09: I'm sorry that I'm not giving you a strip today... but:
my scanner's not working (AGAIN!), Rei's out of town (thus my mind is almost
entirely on working through the storylines I have planned), I have Tuesdays
off through September (Yey work!), I have a plan to start animating strips...
for a while, they'll likely be jerky... (skippy, whatever)... Hrm...
I finally saw Heavy Metal (Horrible movie... no actual plot...)... and Red Planet (Not a very good horror story... I only skipped one scene, because I thought I saw it coming... asphyxiation is not a fun thing to watch... at least, it wasn't in Final destination.)... Emperor's New Groove was pretty good... my bro bought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on DVD... haven't watched it yet... oh well. 6/03: Originally, my plan was to start a hero's story... but, then I thought of all the comics I read online, and figured, it's always about the heros... I hate being the norm... so, we're going to do this a bit differently... South Park, the movie, and the fact that I can drive myself places again, took up my weekend... not to mention my scanner's having problems again, caused by a power outage, thus the strip for today... and I have plans to redo the site sometime in the future... my work is trying a new work schedule... so I should have the time to finish it before August... Cool... maybe... In exchange for making you wait, I give you my extensive guide to the bloodlines of Tenchi Muyo 5/28:Alright, lucky you guys that my scanner started to work... (When all else fails, read the instructions?) Finally I can throw them into their own world... they're taking up too much of my living space... Yes, I know I've been pretty good in doing color strips... but... eh... I already had Rei waiting to be scanned, and drew Shiro and Lily last night after the scanner was working... and I'm a bit of a lazy turd, you see... from here out, every other strip will be color, swear. I added Little Gamers to the links page, because well... a few of the strips resonate with how I've felt the past few weeks... In other news... hey... wait... is there other news? Okay, just curious... anyone notice the discontinuity in Saturday's strip? The Smash Brothers' Weakest Link? Anyone? Anyone besides me? No? Alright, I'll tell you... look at the background in the second picture, then at the background in the third. Hrm... Oh, Nintendo Classics is a hilarious site! Go watch the movies! Uh... hrm... my scanner works... My parents are back in town... And I found out Gryphon has a limit for RPing next year... sucks... 5/26: Okay, sorry that today wasn't important to the plot (BTW, all the pictures of samus, link, and kirby are copyright Nintendo, methinks... and, it's probably the only time you'll ever see them.) Well, I spent the better part of two days this memorial weekend trying to clean my computer hard drive, in hopes it'll help the performance somehow... So far, it seems to be working. Hrm, hrm, hrm... Oh, yes... if you haven't seen it before, I suggest you go out and at least rent some Farscape... I got the first DVD friday night... by now, I've watched it five, ten times? Both episodes... hilarious as all get out. "You fart helium?" "It's a natural bodily function, and it's odorless... I only do it when I get nervous, or angry..." Oh, okay, maybe I should give a quick apology (To anyone who cares, that is.) The comic I had envisioned didn't turn out how I wanted it... *sigh* Probably my apathy stems from the major factor that Rei finally got free from her school work, and we've been known to stay up till 11 or so, trying to catch up on lost time... I swear, my original thought for the strip was to have different versions of Link from different games in the series standing in the "Weakest Link" stage...Then I thought about how long that would take to find and trim each Link... 1&2 on NES... Link to the past on Snes... Oot & MM on N64, and... three now? On gameboy... I'd have had to find a picture of each of them, and then a suitable picture from the show... Not gunna happen... Oh! While I was looking for the pics, I stumbled across a few movies for Super Smash Bros. Melee... DL'ed them... watched the longer version a few times... Whafuck? Princess Toadstool 'Peach' is playable? Bowser? Now, here's the one that I think is hilarious, and very few other people will get... "Ice Climber"... a game from the glory days of the Nintendo... much like 'Bubble Bobble'... two player platformer... where you control an eskimo with a giant wooden mallet! That's just... hilarious! Those two dweebs are joining the fight! And Sheik from Z64... ::blink:: Mario gets a cape... Hrm... too bad it'll be on Gamecube... seeing as I already bought a Dreamcast AND a PS2... I'm not spending money on overrated systems for a while... ::taps his chin:: Now... I might go for an old system... My brother (Beautiful Mistakes) recently purchased a used Super with nine games... Let's see, let's see... before I forget... A co-worker is in the hospital for surgery.. she wouldn't tell me what... but, I hope you feel better... (You know who you are, or were, since you probably won't read this for a few weeks...) Now, Neon Genesis quote: "Thermal expansion! That's so embarrassing!" My comp just proved to me that it's still having problems, but not as horribly as it was... stupid keyboard! 5/19:Okay... Excuse Liliara's language, and same goes for anyone else who curses, Rei will be a big propagator of such... that's just how we are in the RPs... ::shrugs:: Okay, so I liked the double size strip edition, which, I propose to call, "My scanner's a bitch" size. or "MSAB"... Hrm... Maybe I'll get out of the house tomorrow, maybe not... Chim chim said he might go see "Shrek"... and I said, if he does, come get me... I need to get out of the house on the weekends anyway... Profiles from last week's intros are up... I'll get Lily , Domino, and the green meep when I have a moment. ::blink blink:: In other news, I finally bought the Sims first expansion, Livin' Large... gotta love the vibrating bed... ::blink:: Oops... hadda restart my BoF2 game... Sten, you suck! Go, Asuka! German's all the way! "Think in German... you're polluting the information flow." "Oh, okay... Sauerbraten, Wienerschnitzel, dumplings..." By the way... I'm thinking I'm going to start doing this as a weekly strip... post it on Saturday, give my promises for the week, finish up any promises before the next update... Please... tell me if my... *cough* art style is good, bugs you, you think I'm wasting your time... whatever... ::looks around and picks up a piece of paper:: Though I warn you, flames will be used to wipe my butt, little regard will be given to such... *wince* Please spell check your stuff before you send it, huh? I saw a letter sent to Sharkey once... "UR piece of FUK" he posted it on his site... anything like that will be burned to a crisp... And the green meep was supposed to have an Australian accent... he's a weird one he is... watch your back around him. 5/13:Well.... hell... more damn's... and a thought... Before anything, go buy the Moulin Rouge soundtrack... I swear, the best song is the Elephant Love Medley! ::mutters about Chim chim screwing up his spacebar by prying it off the keyboard with a key:: My Scanner still sucks azz... I've got all the programs installed, but nothing's working... I have two strips ready to be fixed for update... if I could get the scanner working... I may just try creating a strip by using Gimp and my mouse... ::mutters about the mouse being just as screwy:: I had a thought of doing a Zelda-based icon strip or more... but, eh... I don't have that ROM any longer... Oh, yeah, Chim chim accidentally introduced me to TEQ (No, I don't know what the title means...) I suppose if you really feel like finding me, my land is the Dragonlands of Kreshlitiara. If I get any comics working and up, you'll understand why fairly quickly. Part 2: I have to explain... the big black oval... is Rei blinking... and everything looks like shit because, first off, I drew it on my comp, with a mouse that won't roll left at all... and, the profiles page will be up before the next weekend... if Keenspace ever lets me update... (Everyone's having a problem where we're all sitting at one spot on the queue and won't move...) Hum, hum, hum... Oh, yeah, I'm about half-way through my MSTing on the story mentioned on 4/22... I've been a busy little pest, ne? No, you can't have it... Not until the final version is ready to go, and then, I think you'll have to go get it from Chim chim... I could be wrong. Okay, I have no clue how this will make the text any more visible, my brother just suggested it to me last night... but still... it takes some of the clutter off my front page, ne? ::bops a little while listening to the 'Drawing Mokona' song:: Where the hell'd I get this song? All in Japanese... a language I can barely speak, much less understand... but it's hilarious, just the way it is sung... if you're an MP3 type... go find Mokona's Garden... that's also much too good... and, as always, the much flaunted Pararira paradaisu... 5/9: Woo! Fuck! Sorry about not updating recently... last weekend, I decided to try to do an FF3 comic, but my Rom doesn't work in the emulator so I can get icons... damn #1, then my friend came over to visit (See links for new Time Share banner, that's his site.), Damn #2, took my time... My scanner wasn't working, for whatever reason... It wasn't blinking at me, which normally signifies it as not working, but I couldn't reinstall it... Damn #3, And my comp decided to get all pissy on me, and I couldn't load the web at all... so I couldn't have updated through Keenspace anyway... (Long story, you go into a Queue after uploading your changes, you gotta be on the web to do it.) Damn #4, that's the straw that broke my back... So, as soon as I get my scanner working again, I have a few hand-drawn strips ready and waiting, so maybe you'll get a good week or so of comics... 4/29: Sorry, no strip today... if anyone actually cares about my strips... I'm not entirely certain I'm going to go hand-drawn yet... and I don't have the pictures I want to use instead... Maybe two or three strips next weekend... hopefully... I also plan to do an FF3/6J strip once I get the pics for it... 4/23:Okay... if you're wondering to yourself... "Self... I'm sitting here reading ramblings in pink text... WTF?" Understand two things... I've never been one to take kindly to being the norm... beside which... Tialla's hair is pink... as is Ashin's... or, it was... and now, you're probably thinking "Tialla?" read the third part of yesterday's News... that'll give you a taste of Tialla's background... just wait until you meet her in the strip... ::looks back at first news post:: Oh, definitely ready by the end of the week... no problem... Sam... er... Reiana in her meta-suit will probably only last through a single extra strip... maybe two... I'm not entirely certain yet how I want the characters to react yet... you know... to being characters... or what? Ooh! ::squirms at a thought:: Nevermind that... I'll put up a Profile page by the end of the month... No problem... that's pretty much this weekend... I'll add characters as they show their faces. 4/22: Okay, I know I said on Saturdays and whenever... but, now that everything seems to be working, excepting the title there and the links pics... and I'm always up much too late on the weekend... I figured I'd finish another...; Part 2: Baka! Server doesn't like me right now... maybe I'll get it to work for me... maybe not... Part 3: This background was... erm... borrowed (for lack of a better Kender word for it) from my friend and co-author page for our story... You'll have to ask me for this link... we had a bit of an argument today... he gets this urge to rewrite the story, so I tell him he can't use my characters... (Ellipsis, Duras, Tialla... some of the other wierdos) and he says I have no claim on them since I didn't copyright the characters... Bastage... Ellipsis was my AOHell char when I started RPing... Tialla was his daughter... Duras was admittedly a joint creation, but I've got him/her evolved to a point where Chim chim wouldn't recognize him... he's mine... 4/21: First strip, ne? Good for me... and I'm going to be really loose on my update schedule (used to be weekends and Wednesday... for now, until otherwise stated... it will be weekends, possibly just Saturday... until I get all the pics I want for the first so many strips...)